Courses tagged with "UX"

Le Material Design propose une approche graphique novatrice pour la conception de sites web et d'applications. Avec cette formation de Didier Mazier, vous explorerez la façon de structurer et de produire des contenus visuels adaptés à tous les périphériques pour faciliter le parcours et l'expérience de l'utilisateur. Cette formation est destinée à tous ceux qui ont à concevoir des interfaces performantes : designers web, graphistes, intégrateurs, développeurs, chefs de projets, web marketers, etc. Vous serez finalement capable de concevoir des interfaces plus claires, plus simples, plus pratiques et surtout plus agréables qui augmenteront les performances de vos sites et applications.

This course is in French only. If this is not a problem for you, by all means go ahead and apply.

Avec Didier Mazier, faites le point sur les techniques et les méthodes de conceptualisation créative. Que vous soyez chef de projet, designer UI/UX ou responsable de communication, vous apprendrez à concrétiser les idées. Vous comprendrez les notions de variantes et d’alternatives, et vous approfondirez la méthode Design Charrette. À la fin de cette formation, vous serez capable d'organiser des sessions de travail créatives et de modéliser vos projets.

This course is in French only. If this is not a problem for you, by all means go ahead and apply.

Design Web Sites and Mobile Apps that Your Users Love and Return to Again and Again with UX Expert Joe Natoli. In this course, you will learn to:

● Understand user experience design and why it's important
● Understand how the elements of user experience work together
● Understand the research process
● Understand scope as an element of user experience
● Learn how to develop content requirements
● Understand structure as an element of user experience
● Understand organizing principals for digital media
● Understand navigation design
● Learn to create wireframes
● Learn visual design principals
● Learn the best use of color and typography
● Learn resources available to assist with User Experience Design Process
● Understand the elements of user experience
● Understand strategy as an element of user experience
● Identify business goals, and user needs
● Create a functional specification
● Learn to prioritize specs and requirements
● Architect information effectively
● Understand skeleton as an element of user experience
● Create an effective information design
● Understand surface as an element of user experience
● Understand contrast and uniformity
● Understand A/B testing processes

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Learn how to apply User Experience (UX) principles to your website designs, code a variety of sites, and increase sales! In this course, you will learn:

● A clear understanding of the principles and benefits of good UX and how to apply it to your website
● The confidence to know what information should be included in your website, and how to design it to increase conversions
● A strategy for making sure you know what people need from your website, and what you or your client needs from it in order to succeed
● The ability to code a variety of websites with HTML, CSS, WordPress, and other tools

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Practical principles and simple methods to make sure your app, site or system delivers GREAT UX! In this course, you will learn:

  • Develop a clear, solid strategy for UX that applies to any kind of product or project
  • Understand who your stakeholders really are and what you need to know from each of them
  • Separate what people say they need from what they actually need
  • Connect user needs with product strategy and requirements
  • Set the proper expectations for everyone involved and ensure there are no big, expensive surprises later
  • Use a simple method to determine which features and functions are truly important (and possible)
  • Get all players in a project to agree on what constitutes value — both for users and for the business
  • Uncover the things users don't know they need (but really do)
  • Determine and control the scope of any project
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L'utilisation d'ordinateurs, smartphones et autres écrans se développe et les besoins en termes de visualisation deviennent de plus en plus spécifiques. De nombreux designers se spécialisent en retouche d'image ou en modélisation 3D afin d'adapter le design d'interface aux besoins des utilisateurs. Dans ce cours, Nicolas Levé, fondateur de Wido, vous fait découvrir le logiciel Sketch pour créer vos propres compositions de manière professionnelle. Ensemble, vous créerez des artboards et vous organiserez votre espace de travail. Vous aborderez également la création de compositions complexes, l'utilisation des symboles et l'export de votre travail en vue d'une diffusion ou d'un partage.

This course is in French only. If this is not a problem for you, by all means go ahead and apply.

Category: Sketch