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Learn to use Machine Learning, Spacy, NLTK, SciKit-Learn, Deep Learning, and more to conduct Natural Language Processing. In this course, you will :

● Learn to work with Text Files with Python
● Learn how to work with PDF files in Python
● Utilize Regular Expressions for pattern searching in text
● Use Spacy for ultra fast tokenization
● Learn about Stemming and Lemmatization
● Understand Vocabulary Matching with Spacy
● Use Part of Speech Tagging to automatically process raw text files
● Understand Named Entity Recognition
● Visualize POS and NER with Spacy
● Use SciKit-Learn for Text Classification
● Use Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Topic Modelling
● Learn about Non-negative Matrix Factorization
● Use the Word2Vec algorithm
● Use NLTK for Sentiment Analysis
● Use Deep Learning to build out your own chat bot

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