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What you'll learn
- Explore the Graph, Stat, Gauge, Bar Gauge, Table, Text, Heatmap and Logs Panels
- Install and configure a MySQL Datasource, Dashboard and Collector
Install and configure a Zabbix Server Datasource, Dashboards
Install and configure InfluxDB with Telegraf
Use Dashboard Variables to create Dynamic Dashboards with Automatic Visualisation Placement
Install an SNMP Agent and Configure Telegraf SNMP Input
Install Loki Data Source that queries a Loki Service that is ingesting data from a Promtail Service.
Graph Time Series aswell as Non Time Series SQL Data
Create custom MySQL Time Series Queries
Install Grafana from Packages
Add a Nginx Reverse Proxy for Grafana
Create a domain name and install an SSL certificate for the Grafana Server
Explore the Dashboards Panels Options
Install a SMTP server and setup an Email Notification Channel
Setup Alerts for when SNMP devices go offline or return no data
- Setup a Telegram Contact Point
Use Annotation Queries to Link Logs Panels and Graph Panels
Install Prometheus with Several Node Exporters and A Dashboard
Setup an Elasticsearch server with Filebeat and Metricbeat services.
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