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GIT information resources

Categorie: GIT

Development teams transitioning to distributed source control with Git often experience friction when initially adopting the tool. Often, the root cause is related to issues surrounding culture and practices as opposed to a technical learning curve. In this course, Kevin Bowersox covers collaboration strategies for teams using Git, discussing tools and techniques that can help you and your team circumvent the challenges that hinder the delivery of high-quality software. Kevin shares best practices and tips that can help you avoid common pitfalls that often cause teams to veer off track. Learn branching strategies, how to build a continuous integration pipeline, ways to maintain your workflow, and more.

Topics include:
  • Evaluate the reasons for implementing best practices when working with Git in teams.
  • Explain the different user roles when working with Git in teams.
  • Assess the impact on team workloads when using a central repository.
  • Distinguish between the different stages of the Git Flow standard.
  • Describe the different branching strategies in a Git Flow environment.
  • Analyze the effect of implementing a CI/CD pipeline to Git with teams.

Deze cursus is enkel beschikbaar in het Engels. Als dit voor u geen probleem vormt, dien dan gerust uw aanvraag in.

Categorie: GIT

If you’ve ever wondered why someone should use Git or how to use it for version control, this is a great course to get started. Azure MVP and GitHub Star Barbara Forbes guides you through the installation process, the Git workflow, setting up and pushing code into a repo, and committing changes, all with a focus on version control and how Git can help you achieve it. Find out why people use Git. Learn how Git works, locally or through a provider, and how you can get it installed, configured, and running the way you need it to work. Follow the full process of pushing your code with Git, then explore ways to make changes to files. Discover important concepts in Git, like how to ignore files you don’t want to include, how branching can help you with development, what should be in a commit, and how to troubleshoot if you get into trouble. Plus, get current instruction on using GitHub Star and Microsoft MVP.

Deze cursus is enkel beschikbaar in het Engels. Als dit voor u geen probleem vormt, dien dan gerust uw aanvraag in.

Categorie: GIT
Learn the core features of Git in less time for experienced software engineers new to Git. In this course, you will learn:

● Learn the key concepts of the Git source control system
● Compare the different states in Git
● Create and manage repositories on GitHub and BitBucket
● Save work in progress with Stashes
● Even a bit of time travel within Git repositories
● Step through the entire Git workflow
● Manage files inside and outside the control of Git
● Create branches and resolve conflicts with confidence
● Mark special events with Tags

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Categorie: GIT

Learn the key concepts and basic workflow for Git and GitHub with this easy to follow, top rated, bootcamp-style course! In this course, you will learn:

  • Learn the key concepts of the Git source control system
  • Configure SSH for authentication
  • Step through the entire basic Git workflow
  • Create and use a remote repository on GitHub
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Categorie: GIT
Practical GIT training: cherry pick, rebase, revert, stash, clean, and more. Take your GIT skills to the next level. In this course, you will learn:

● Work with some advanced GIT commands
● View history in the reflog, expire unreachable commits using reflog and the garbage collector
● Use Aliases
● Use the stash to temporarily save changes
● Become a more advanced GIT user
● Know how to rewrite history with squash, rebase, and reset
● Create linear GIT history trees
● Perform a Cherry Picking operation
● Work with Tags

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Categorie: GIT

Version Control lets you manage changes you've made to files over time, and is an essential skill for developers to master. Git is by far the most popular version control system on the web. In this fast-paced course, Ray Villalobos shows you the fundamental commands that you need to work with most Git projects. He explains how to use checkpoints called commits, which let you leave messages documenting what happened at each checkpoint, as well as how to create branches that are alternate versions of your project that you can work on without changing the original. Plus, he shows how to work with the popular GitHub website to explore existing projects, clone them to your local hard drive, and use them as templates for your new projects.

Deze cursus is enkel beschikbaar in het Engels. Als dit voor u geen probleem vormt, dien dan gerust uw aanvraag in.

Categorie: GIT

Learn the basics of Git through detailed and easy to follow along screencasts. Start using Git today! In this course, you will learn:

  • Track and Modify projects using Git
  • Create multiple versions of a project and merge them together
  • Understand when and why to use Git and/or Github for version control on a project
  • Use advanced git commands for more complex tracking and editing scenarios
  • Revert/Reset their project to a previous version
  • Collaborate and share projects using Github
  • Recognize when to use what Git command in the terminal
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Categorie: GIT