Responsable des contenus : CAB-IAM.

Les enregistrements de ce webinaire ne sont accessibles que pour les participants. 

This course is suitable for IT personnel who are just beginning to work with Azure. This audience wants to learn about our offerings and get hands-on experience with the product. This course primarily uses the Azure portal and command line interface to create resources and does not require scripting skills. Students in this course will gain confidence to take other role-based courses and certifications, such as Azure Administrator. This course combines lecture, demonstrations, and hands-on labs. This course will also help prepare someone for the AZ-900 exam.

The New OAuth 2.0 Stack in Spring Security 5.
What you'll learn in this course:

  1. OAuth 2.0
  2. OAuth 2 Authorization Flows
  3. The New OAuth 2.0 stack in Spring Security 5
  4. Use OAuth 2.0 in Spring Boot Applications
  5. Configure OAuth 2.0 Resource Server
  6. Keycloak Identity and Access Management Solution
  7. Resource Servers behind API Gateway
  8. New Spring Authorization Server
  9. OAuth 2.0 in MVC Web App
  10. OAuth 2 - Social Login
  11. OAuth2 + PKCE in JavaScript Application
  12. Register Resource Servers with Eureka Service Registry

Ce cours n´est disponible qu´en anglais. Si ce n´est pas un problème pour vous, soumettez votre demande.

Recommended by Smals Experts

Durée de la formation : 1,63h

While many technical professionals claim to know and understand OAuth, reality often suggests otherwise. Implementing the proper grant types and the required flows while securely protecting your secrets is challenging at best and catastrophic at worst. Fundamentally, professionals often struggle with OAuth because they misunderstand what it is, what use cases it is particularly good and bad at, and how to integrate it smoothly and safely into their systems. In this course, Keith Casey reviews the basics of OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect and shows how to use them to authenticate your applications. He covers tokens and scopes, designing and building key workflows, addressing common security considerations, and more.

Ce cours n´est disponible qu´en anglais. Si ce n´est pas un problème pour vous, soumettez votre demande.


L'IAM, à savoir Identity & Access Management, est ici expliqué.
L'identification/authentification, l'autorisation, le contrôle des accès aux données et la sécurité des applications sont abordés.
Le release management et les concepts CAB-IAM, onboarding, eDU... sont expliqués.