All Recommended by Smals Experts courses

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DevOps Foundations (LinkedIn Learning)
SCORE 4/5 by Smals Colleagues DevOps ensures collaboration and communication between software engineers (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). With DevOps, changes make it to production faster. Resources are easier to share. And large-scale systems are easier to manage and maintain. In this course, well-known DevOps practitioners Ernest Mueller and James Wickett provide an overview of the DevOps movement, focusing on the core value of CAMS (culture, automation, measurement, and sharing). They cover the various methodologies and tools an organization can adopt to transition into DevOps, looking at both agile and lean project management principles and how old-school principles like ITIL, ITSM, and SDLC fit within DevOps. The course concludes with a discussion of the three main tenets of DevOps—infrastructure automation, continuous delivery, and designing resilient systems—as well as some additional resources and what the future holds. Deze cursus is enkel beschikbaar in het Engels. Als dit voor u geen probleem vormt, dien dan gerust uw aanvraag in. Topics include: Apply for this course Recommended by Smals Experts //
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Building a Reactive App with Angular and Spring Boot 2 (LinkedIn Learning)
Angular is known for building rich, data-driven single page applications (SPAs), while Spring Boot is a popular and powerful framework for back-end development. In this course, Chris Anatalio shows how to take these two enterprise-scale worthy technologies and build a robust, secure full-stack application. Learn how to build an app that uses this reactive Spring stack to create a REST API on the back end, and an Angular front end that leverages that data. After highlighting the benefits of using reactive programming with Angular and Spring, Chris covers using, configuring, and implementing reactive Spring Data; building a reactive Spring Data client-side functionality with Angular; testing; and more. Topics include: Benefits of using reactive programming with Angular and Spring Bootstrapping your Spring Boot app Building a reactive Spring REST API Creating and testing a WebFlux GET endpoint Building a front-end app with Angular Using and configuring reactive Spring Data Using a REST API GET request Unit testing with Spring Boot and Angular Deze cursus is enkel beschikbaar in het Engels. Als dit voor u geen probleem vormt, dien dan gerust uw aanvraag in. This course is in French only. If this is not a problem for you, by all means go ahead and apply. Apply for this course Recommended by Smals Experts //
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Introduction to Cloud Computing
Recommended by Smals Experts // Apply for this course
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SAS Data Integration Studio
SAS Data Integration Studio is a visual design tool that simplifies the construction, execution and maintenance of enterprise data integration processes. This course is given by Paul Van Mol (SAS Institute) and is divided in two parts. Recommended by Smals Experts //
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Welcome Pack TO&P
SMALS STANDARDS Modules d'accueil pour les nouveaux employés de la division Développement des Applications et Projets (DA&P) qui font partie de votre onboarding. Il s'agit de courtes présentations qui vous permettent de vous familiariser avec les différents sujets. Aperçu du programme : Project Management, Agile, Testing, Security, Identity & Access Management (IAM), GDPR. Recommended by Smals Experts //
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Udemy:The Complete SQL Bootcamp: Go from Zero to Hero
SMALS STANDARDS Learn how to use SQL quickly and effectively with this course. You'll learn how to read and write complex queries to a database using one of the most in demand skills - PostgreSQL. These skills are also applicable to any other major SQL database, such as MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Redshift, Oracle, and much more. In this course you will learn : Use SQL to query a database Use SQL to perform data analysis Be comfortable putting SQL and PostgreSQL on their resume Learn to perform GROUP BY statements Replicate real-world situations and query reports Recommended by Smals Experts //
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Security Awareness
SCORE 4/5 by Smals Colleagues This course is one of the materials used as part of the security awareness course. The content is intended to describe actions that anyone can take to improve information security. Recommended by Smals Experts //